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HomeEventsPerth Chapter In-Person Monthly Meeting - April 2024

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Perth Chapter In-Person Monthly Meeting - April 2024

About this event

Perth  Chapter Monthly Meeting - Perth 2024

Thursday 18 April 2024 at 6.15pm (AWST)

In-Person only meeting.

ATAA Update,

Explorations in Mean Reversion Trading,

Do experienced traders have an edge? Lessons from Daniel Kahneman’s book “Thinking, Fast and Slow”

Meeting Agenda for Thursday 18th April 2024

6.15pm: Welcome and Announcements

6.20pm: Market Outlook – Julian Burridge
6.30pm: Presentation Summary:

An overview of the ATAA will be given, concentrating on recent developments and future directions.

This will be followed by some of Jim’s own work on mean reversion trading, discussing aspects that Jim has explored over the past few years.

Finally, the topic of the “Trader’s Edge”, both in life and in trading, will be discussed. This will draw on the bestselling book “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman. This presentation will focus on some specific aspects from this book, particularly touching on Loss Aversion and Prospect Theory, and discussing why Daniel Kahneman thinks that experienced traders have an edge.

Jim is not a psychologist, but his background in science led him to try and understand some of the psychological factors involved in decision-making, so he can improve his own trading performance.

Jim’s Bio:

Jim Haralambidis is the current National President of the ATAA. He started his career in science and has a PhD in Chemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Melbourne. Jim was involved in biomedical scientific research at the Howard Florey Institute for about fifteen years. He was instrumental in setting up the first lab in Australia for the chemical synthesis of DNA.

Jim left the academic world in 1996 to set up his own IT business, which he ran for about 20 years. On the way, he obtained a Master of Applied Finance degree from the University of Melbourne, as well as a Graduate Diploma in Computing from RMIT. The business Jim was running grew to multi-million dollar turnover, and was eventually sold to a listed company in 2015. Since then, Jim has been busy managing his own investments, hence his interest in Technical Analysis.


8.00 for 8.15 pm - After Meeting Dinner: Local Restaurant (Hampden Road).

Next Meeting: Thursday 16th May 2024

Speaker: Matthew Gabriele

Date and Time

Thursday, April 18, 2024, 6:15 PM until 8:00 PM


St. Catherine’s College
(corner of Stirling Highway and Winthrop Avenue)
2 Park Road
Crawley, WA  6009

Event Contact(s)

Admin Secretary

Derek Locke
Chapter President


In-Person Only Events

Registration Info

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