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HomeWhy Join the ATAA?

Why Join The ATAA?

The Australian Technical Analysts Association (ATAA) is a community that caters to people who are interested in the analysis of financial instruments based on available market data. It exists for one purpose: to benefit members by improving their knowledge of technical analysis and thereby improve their trading and investment performance. Our members include private investors, financial professionals, retired individuals managing their super funds, students, and others in technical analysis.

The ATAA provides a vibrant range of channels to support its members in achieving their goals. One of the most significant benefits of joining the ATAA is the opportunity to attend monthly meetings held in various chapters across Australia. These meetings bring together members to discuss current market trends, exchange ideas and strategies, and hear from expert guest speakers.

In addition to these regular meetings, the ATAA also holds an annual conference that brings together local and international experts in technical analysis. This conference is an excellent opportunity to hear from some of the brightest minds in the industry and learn about the latest trends and techniques in technical analysis.

The ATAA also has several special interest groups that meet in various locations to address particular aspects or techniques of technical analysis. These groups are a great way to learn from experts in specific areas of interest, such as risk management, trading psychology, and more.

The ATAA also provides its members with access to educational resources, including seminars, workshops, and webinars. These resources are designed to help members develop their knowledge and skills in trading and investing and keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry. Members also have access to an extensive library of educational materials, including videos, podcasts, and research articles.

The ATAA provides its members with a supportive community of like-minded individuals and industry experts. This community is a valuable resource for learning and exchanging ideas and strategies. Whether you are new to the field or an expert in technical analysis, you will be most welcome to attend a local chapter meeting and consider joining the ATAA.

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