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HomeMembership Benefits

Membership Benefits

The Australian Technical Analysts Association (ATAA) is a reputable organization that was established over 25 years ago. It exists to provide a platform for financial market traders and investors to learn, network, and effectively use technical analysis to make informed investment decisions. The association offers an array of benefits to its members, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in trading and investing.


Education and Networking Opportunities

One of the primary benefits of being an ATAA member is access to a broad range of education and networking opportunities. Members can attend monthly meetings held in seven major Australian cities, as well as a Remote Chapter meeting held online. These meetings provide an excellent opportunity to network and socialize with other traders in your local area. Each meeting features a presentation by one or more industry-recognized speakers, and all meetings are free for Full Members.

Special Interest Groups (SIG’s)

In addition to the monthly meetings, the ATAA also has Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that meet in various locations, providing members with the opportunity to explore particular Technical Analysis topics in depth.

News and information

ATAA members receive a monthly Newsletter via email, which typically contains technical articles of interest to traders and investors, as well as general news of interest to ATAA members. The ATAA is affiliated with the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA), which helps members keep abreast of international markets and techniques. All ATAA members become colleagues of IFTA and are entitled to access IFTA webinars and other technical analysis publications.

Online Forums

Through the ATAA’s website, members get access to online Forums where members can discuss issues on a wide range of topics, and generally network with other members. Forums are moderated and only available to ATAA members. Members can also benefit from Blogs from senior members of the ATAA who contribute articles on a wide variety of subjects.

Formal Education

Members can also access formal Technical Analysis education through the IFTA CFTe curriculum via self-study and the IFTA MFTA program. ATAA members who hold Dip TA (ATAA), CFTe, and/or MFTA qualifications are also listed on the website, which serves as a directory of technical analysts throughout Australia.

Resource Library

Members also have access to an extensive online "Contribution" library featuring educational resources, including numerous presentation videos and slides, and a large document library containing articles covering a wide range of topics related to trading and investing in the financial markets.

Annual Conference

One of the most significant benefits of being an ATAA member is the annual three-day conference held in a major Australian city, which allows traders from around the country to meet and hear selected industry experts from Australia and around the world speak on a variety of trading-related topics. This is a major educational event for traders and investors and a great opportunity to meet other technical analysts from around the country and the world.

Member Discounts

Occasionally, members of the ATAA also receive discounts on a range of products and services related to the financial markets, including access to workshops, trading related software, and more. Members also receive reduced rates for attending the annual ATAA and IFTA conferences. ATAA members also receive reduced rates on education courses including IFTA's education program, which provides two internationally-recognized qualifications in technical analysis.

Becoming a member of the ATAA is an excellent way for anyone interested in trading and investing to learn, network, and gain access to a wealth of resources to support their investment decisions. See our Membership Options page for more details on how to join.