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Date: 9/13/2024
Subject: LATEST ATAA news: Blast! Monthly Newsletter - Sept 2024
From: ATAA Blast editor

ATAA Blast! Newsletter #172 – September 2024

Dear ~~first_name~~

Welcome to the September edition of the ATAA Blast! Newsletter. In this edition of the ATAA Blast! newsletter you will see (with links for an easy and speedy goto to the relevant section below):

  • ATAA National Vice-President's Update for September.
  • ATAA Latest Website Resource Library updates - With an update on the immensely useful and growing ATAA Resource Library, including the now hundreds of video session recordings from the SIGs and network groups.
  • Online Discussion Forums - This resource is now growing in popularity in the ATAA website (for ATAA members only - login is required).
  • ATAA National Board Update - The latest news from the national board of directors, including an update from the Marketing group about the recent General Member Survey, with lots of prompts for action to increase membership.
  • List of all of the ATAA Chapters, SIGs and Network Groups - more opportunities for the ATAA members for networking and learning.
  • The ATAA Conference(s) update - An update for the upcoming ATAA Conference(s): an online event later this year, and a regular ATAA in-person conference late in 2025.
  • Updates from the ATAA Chapters and SIGs: Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, and SIGs - or at least from those that have submitted content. Thank you to: Mark (Canberra), and Romy (Sydney) for your ongoing contributions.
  • IFTA Update: Latest information from IFTA - calling for submissions of the next issue of the IFTA Update News.
  • TECHNICAL ANALYSIS article - The months of September and October tend not to be very good in the markets. Read about the Seasonality of Markets in these months.
  • Detailed benefits for ATAA members.

As the national Marketing Director, I am including key marketing phrases in this Blast!, including the ATAA Tag line in blue below, and the ATAA Elevator Pitch also in blue at the bottom of this email. Feel free to use these in your own correspondence to help encourage new members, and of course to remind existing members of why they are ATAA members.

I do hope you find this Blast! newsletter useful and interesting reading; but do feel free to tell us what you really think, and how we can improve it.

ps: Apologies continue for any odd formatting that you might find - font size or line spacing etc - but these seem to be oddities in our CE email editor.

Robert B Brain

Blast! Newsletter Editor
ATAA Marketing Director
(and ATAA Life Member)

The ATAA is the knowledge network
for successfully using technical analysis
in financial market trading and investing

National Vice-President's Update – September 2024

The Board continues to make progress on a few initiatives for the betterment of the members.  We are applying for NinjaTrader Vendor program (NinjaTrader Ecosystem) and reviewing our current educational offerings to see what improvements can be made, to name a couple.  

This year’s conference will be a virtual one held on 19 October and registrations are open now.  There is half-dozen quality speakers from Australia and around the world in this one-day conference.  The price is right! So register NOW!  Planning has already started for a face-to-face conference in 2025, more information to follow as plans firm up.

Those cities that have face-to-face monthly meetings, attend live if you can and invite your friends.  Generally, the first meeting is free.  Both you and them may be surprised at what you learn and the quality of the networking.  Until next time, take care and stay safe.

Jerry Bongard
ATAA National Vice-President

ATAA Website - Resource Library Updates - recordings from August 2024
In case you've missed the materials recently added to the resource library, here's a brief list of those added in the latest month:
  • 8 August - Melbourne Chapter hybrid meeting - Paul Ash Developing a Watchlist using Google Functions in a spreadsheet, and Shawn Hickman My Favourite Tips for Successful Investing and Trading.
  • 19 August - Sydney Chapter online meeting - Mary McNamara A deep dive into the Markets, and Darryl Nagel The identification of Reversal Signals using the Bigalow System.
  • 20 August - Society of Technical Analysts of New Zealand - Gordon Scott Discovering high-percentage trading edge solutions in minutes.
  • 20 August - Canberra Chapter meeting - Phil Johns, Test as you will Trade - The Devil has many Friends.
All of these items can be found from the ATAA website menu: Resources > Presentations by Date. Make sure to browse the earlier recordings in the Resource Library, because you might never know what you've been missing. And you can also search the Resource Library by keyword.

SIG and Network presentations in the Document Library - There is a growing collection of session recordings and other materials in a section of the ATAA website Resource Library. The latest one (from the Forex Network) can be found by following the menu (as shown in the screenshot below): Resources > Resource Library Folders, then expand the tree hierarchy under the Document Library heading: Member Resource Library > Presentations by Group.
Presentations by Group - Session recordings for some of these ATAA groups can be found on the website:
  • Bigalow Network
  • Forex Network
  • MEL Quant Traders SIG
  • FX SIG
  • Holy Grail Trader SIG
  • MetaStock User Group SIG
  • Technical Analysis Chat SIG.
ATAA Online Discussion Forums - Some of our SIG groups and Network Groups have discussion topics in the Online Discussion Forum. Check out the growing list of online discussion forums on the ATAA website, on a range of T.A. and trading topics. And feel free to start a new discussion topic. The link to access the forum (in the website menu) is enabled after you login to the ATAA website. The most active forums currently include: Bigalow Network, and the MEL Quant Trader SIG.
Robert Brain
(Marketing Director)

ATAA National Board updates

Meeting Visitors - First Time Free
Don't forget that first-time visitors to Chapter meetings are allowed to attend for free. Non-members are always welcome to attend ATAA meetings, and pay the $40 Visitor Fee. This is normally done online in advance when you register to attend the meeting. However, if you have not attended an ATAA meeting in the past, you are welcome to attend your first meeting for free - and preferably register on the ATAA website so that we will be expecting you as a special first-time visitor.

ATAA Marketing Working Group Update
Chapter office bearers and SIG coordinators and Network Group coordinators -  Please take note of the information here, because the General Member Survey Summary Results incudes a lot of useful information about how well we are doing in our jobs running the ATAA. And there are lots of tips about how we can do better.
Member Survey - As I said here last month, many thanks to all those members and non-members who responded to our recent invitation to complete the 2024 General Member Survey - there were lots of responses! The underlying objective of the survey was to address two key questions:
  • What else do we need to do to retain members, and encourage them to renew their membership when it falls due?
  • What do we need to do to attract more new members into the ATAA?
A summary of  survey feedback, and suggestions, has been put into a document that ATAA members can download and peruse from the ATAA Resource Library. Login to the ATAA website, then use the menu options: Resources > Resource Library Folders > Document Library > Association Documents > Survey Results. Then you can see the Survey Summary PDF document, and download it.
Robert B Brain
ATAA Marketing Director

The official ATAA email signature block. This jpeg file (shown herewith) is available for ATAA members to download from the "Resource Library", and then include it in your own email signature block at the bottom of your emails. To find this file and download it, login to the ATAA website and use the menu option: Resources > Resource Library Folders > Association Documents > Marketing.

2024 Conference
ATAA Conferences
Working Group

ATAA 2024 Multi-Speaker Online Conference – 19th October
We are excited to announce that the ATAA 2024 Online Conference to be held on 19th of October is now open for registration. Head over to the sign-up page and click the "Register Now" button to claim your spot!

This special one-day online event is a rare opportunity to hear from a group of top-calibre and inspiring speakers from both Australia and overseas, covering topics specifically targeted at independent traders and investors. Whether you are a beginner, improving or advanced trader / investor, you’ll want to be a part of it!
  • Hear from top flight industry professionals, Kevin Davey (USA), Brian Shannon (USA), Louise Bedford, Mark Bennell, Adrian Reid and Chris Weston.Get full details of speakers and their bios here.
  • Learn practical trading ideas and insights to help supercharge your trading performance.
  • Uncover powerful mindset and risk-management techniques that could enhance your bottom line.
  • Join the conference from the comfort of your own home or office.
  • Full conference programme available here.
Registration is just $AU 99 for current ATAA Members, and $AU 199 for non-members (including a trial ATAA membership).

Don't miss this opportunity to upskill your trading business and
take your results to the next level. Register Now !!

Links to join the conference webinar will be emailed to you a few days before the event. All session recordings will be made available to you following the conference.

Alan Clement
ATAA (Conference) Director

CHAPTER and Special Interest Group (SIG) news and updates

ATAA Chapters, SIGs and Network groups
For the benefit of ATAA members everywhere, the ATAA has a number of: Chapters, and Special Interest Groups, and Network Groups. Current financial members are free and welcome to participate in any of these. We are hopeful that all of these groups will submit some information for publication in the Blast! News from time to time, to help our hundreds of readers understand more about the opportunities and benefits for ATAA members.
For the latest meeting information, check the ATAA website for details, and also scroll down the website home page to see the latest announcements, presentations and updates to the resource library.
ATAA Chapters (alpha order) meeting monthly
  • Adelaide
  • Brisbane
  • Canberra
  • Melbourne
  • Newcastle
  • Perth
  • Sydney
SIGs and Networks (and contact names)
  • Melbourne Quant SIG (Jim Haralambidis)
  • RealTest Coders (online) Workshop (Chris Meakin, Robert Grigg)
  • Bigalow Network (Romy Baker)
  • Forex Network - FN (Romy Baker)
  • MetaStock Users SIG (Jerry Bongard)
  • FX SIG (Mike Smith)
  • TA Practice SIG
See the ATAA website for latest information.

ATAA website Document Library by Group

Bigalow Network and
ATAA Forex Network (FN)
The Bigalow network - This network group continues to meet monthly. Look out for upcoming meetings on the ATAA website. The recordings of sessions can be found in the resource library. You're not sure what the Bigalow Method is all about? See information about Stephen Bigalow and his ideas and methods.  The purpose of this Network Group is for members to:
  • improve their understanding of the Bigalow methodology with other traders
  • share their experiences
  • share information
  • review charts
  • talk about their trade setups and results, and
  • informally network to support each other.
The Forex network - Continues to meet. Recordings of meetings can be found in the resource library.
You are welcome to join us - If anyone would like to join the Bigalow or Forex Network meetings, please email the undersigned, Romy Baker. We would love to hear from you if you are interested so, please send us an email, or phone us.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Romy  Baker
ATAA Sydney Chapter
0414 554 967

Canberra Chapter News

The Canberra Chapter enjoyed a hybrid meeting format in August with National Director Phil Johns speaking about the contrasting data (and prices) found in his research on three online brokers. The presentation showed, based on actual trading history with three brokers receiving simultaneous trades, an up to 28% disparity in trading performance based on which broker is chosen.

The presentation is in the ATAA resource library and provides important content not touched by any other presentation.

Our online meetings continue to attract good attendance with 20 participants online and eight local members braving the local conditions.

Our September meeting features Richard Ringrose who will be streaming his presentation nationally. Watch out for the specifics of a likely highly stimulating presentation which Richard will finalise post travels.

Canberra members wanting to attend this year’s ATAA Online conference on Saturday, October 19, at a venue with other members, including lunch are reminded to register their interest with Mark in the coming weeks so that a venue can be booked. Alternatively, we could all meet at someone’s residence and organise lunch.

It is proposed that our October meeting will follow the popular ‘these are my recent trades’ format. Any Canberra member that would like to present for 15 minutes with some illustrative PowerPoint slides is welcome to register interest with me.

Good trading and good health,

Mark Gleeson
ATAA Canberra Chapter President
[The Canberra Chapter generally meets on the third Tuesday each month.]

Melbourne Chapter News

At the recent monthly Melbourne Chapter hybrid meeting (Thursday 12 Sept) there were a few new faces in the audience, and Alan Clement delivered two presentations, one of which was a preview (and practise) session entitled: "Becoming a Trading Cyborg: Harness AI to Enhance Your Trading Process and Results". This ran for an hour, and included a lot of very interesting material about how to use several of the available Artificial Intelligence (AI) bots to develop, and test, trading strategy ideas. The video recording of the session will be up in the ATAA Resource Library shortly. In Alan's second presentation he delivered his usual Global Markets Quarterly Technical Outlook, which included some great seasonality tips to watch out for in the pending months of September-October.
We have continued to run in-person hybrid meetings on the second Thursday each month, with the invaluable networking from 5.15pm to 6pm (including free finger food), then the broadcast session 6-8pm, followed by further networking and guest speaker mingling over dinner after 8pm. The broadcast segment is usually recorded and uploaded to the ATAA website soon after. If you missed the session, you can view the video recording; but you would have missed out on the great networking opportunities and the exchange of trading tips and knowledge that only happens in the room.
All ATAA members who attend our meetings are given a "Door Prize" raffle ticket, with the winning tickets drawn during the mid-session break (when we change-over the speakers). You see, we still have a truck-load of pre-loved trading and technical analysis books to give away at our meetings with more coming, and these are used as the Door Prizes in the Member give-away. And some of these books are absolute gems - for free!
Don’t forget that public transport (tram) runs past the hotel front door, and there is ample car parking around the corner.

Robert Brain
ATAA Melb Chapter President and interim Secretary
(for the Council team: Paul Ash, Jim Haralambidis, Keith Mundy, Tony Hambling, Tony Leonard, Robert Grigg).

Sydney Chapter News

Sydney Chapter meetings
The Sydney chapter continue to have monthly online meetings, and a bi-monthly get-together over dinner. Stay tuned for more details about upcoming events.

Sydney Chapter Council

[The Sydney Chapter normally meets online on the third Monday of each month, plus a bi-monthly dinner]

Other Chapters
and SIGs
Don't forget, we have a total of seven chapters around Australia, including: Brisbane, Perth and Newcastle as well as several Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in which members can participate. You can see a list of the seven chapters and their office-bearers on the website - use the menu option: ATAA Overview > Current Office-Bearers > Chapter Councillors > Subcommittees. See the ATAA website for latest meeting and event details.
  • Adelaide Chapter generally meets in-person on the third Wednesday of the month.
  • Perth Chapter generally meets on the third Thursday of the month.
  • Brisbane Chapter generally meets... second Saturday of the month? TBC
  • Newcastle Chapter generally meets ... Saturday in the month? TBA
  • MetaStock Users SIG - Contact Jerry Bongard,
  • RealTest Coders Workshop (sub-group of the Quant SIG) - Meets online, generally on the second Monday of each month at 8:00 pm. EST (to give members in western states a better chance of attending). SIG Coordinators: Chris Meakin and Robert Grigg.

IFTA Update
IFTA 2024 Conference
2024 IFTA International Conference in China
The 2024 IFTA International Conference will take place very soon - 4-6 October 2024 - at the BFA International Convention Center in Boao, China.
Welcome everyone to China’s Boao of Hainan Island, to participate in the grand occasion of the IFTA conference. Here, we will delve into the theme of “New Fusion and Intellectual Innovation: Shaping the future.” exploring the harmonious integration of new quality productivity and traditional productivity, as well as how artificial intelligence leads us towards a brighter tomorrow.

About IFTA (International Federation of Technical Analysis) - It is the umbrella organisation for Technical Analyst societies around the world.
IFTA webinars: See the latest information about up-coming and past webinars on the IFTA website here.

The IFTA Update is a quarterly newsletter that is available to members of the ATAA. The last issue is still available and contains the following articles:
  • President's Report to Colleagues
  • Member News
  • IFTA 2024 Conference - Hainan, China
  • Congratulations New CFTes!
  • Where Macro & Behavioural Technical Analysis Meet
  • Calendar-at-a-Glance
  • Benefits of Membership
  • Memoriam
  • Call for Board Nominations
  • and more
Click here to view the newsletter (Vol 31 No 2 - 21 pages in 8MB)

IFTA and ATAA members - ATAA members are automatically affiliate members of the International Federation of Technical Analysts. ATAA membership gives you access to IFTA resources including: certification programs, educational events and networking opportunities, including participation in the IFTA Conferences. The information below is the latest update from IFTA.

IFTA Journal 24 (a professional journal published by IFTA) - We are pleased to announce that the 2024 IFTA Journal is now available for viewing and download from the IFTA website. (Note that it is a 79 pages PDF, and 16MB in size).

IFTA Update (quarterly newsletter) - The IFTA Update is a quarterly newsletter that is available to members of the ATAA.

Join the ATAA to improve your understanding of how to
invest or trade successfully in the financial markets
focusing on the correct use and application of Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis - Weinstein chart

Stock markets – What to expect in September October?

From day to day and week to week, the share prices of companies listed on the share market rise and fall. Sometimes they rise a little or a lot, and sometimes they fall a little or a lot.

Many observers might see these fluctuations in the share market as rather random. But many market observers do understand why most of these fluctuations take place. It can be because of company announcements or news items that have changed the investing environment for a particular company. Or perhaps the government of the day has announced policy changes that will impact a number of companies. Or even developments overseas that can impact on the performance of companies in Australia – such as the current Chinese-sponsored lithium production in Indonesia.

Many market investors and traders know that the share prices summarise the opinions of the real market participants, and many of them are looking forward to the expected company earnings over the following months, with expectations of a specific range in share price. This can drive prices higher, or lower, in the short term.

However, in the bigger picture there are many factors that can impact on the company outlook. And this can depend on the time of year, as well as many other considerations.

The months of September and October in particular are well known for specific share market performance in many years. And the 4-yearly US Presidential election can often have an impact on the markets. Given the possible risks at this time of year, is it worth being more cautious in the markets at present?

As we work through the month of September and head into October, what should we be mindful about?

In Australia the half-yearly company reporting season runs through the month of August, and once this has finished, the outlook for the next few months is often clearer, and September is a good time for investors and traders to focus on, and “adjust”, their positions.

From day to day and week to week, the share prices of companies listed on the share market rise and fall. Sometimes they rise a little or a lot, and sometimes they fall a little or a lot.

Many observers might see these fluctuations in the share market as rather random. But many market observers do understand why most of these fluctuations take place. It can be because of company announcements or news items that have changed the investing environment for a particular company. Or perhaps the government of the day has announced policy changes that will impact a number of companies. Or even developments overseas that can impact on the performance of companies in Australia – such as the current Chinese-sponsored lithium production in Indonesia.

Many market investors and traders know that the share prices summarise the opinions of the real market participants, and many of them are looking forward to the expected company earnings over the following months, with expectations of a specific range in share price. This can drive prices higher, or lower, in the short term.

However, in the bigger picture there are many factors that can impact on the company outlook. And this can depend on the time of year, as well as many other considerations.

The months of September and October in particular are well known for specific share market performance in many years. And the 4-yearly US Presidential election can often have an impact on the markets. Given the possible risks at this time of year, is it worth being more cautious in the markets at present?

As we work through the month of September and head into October, what should we be mindful about?

In Australia the half-yearly company reporting season runs through the month of August, and once this has finished, the outlook for the next few months is often clearer, and September is a good time for investors and traders to focus on, and “adjust”, their positions.

September is often not good

Morningstar recently reported: The stock market often falls in the 2 months leading to US Election Day. ... S&P 500 has declined in every 2-month countdown since 2008. According to Dow Jones Market Data, the S&P 500 SPX has turned in a negative performance over that two-month stretch in every election year since 2008, with an average fall of 5.8%. [Source:

And MarketWatch has reported: September is historically the worst month for U.S. stocks. If the past is any guide, seasonal weakness in September could spoil the current market momentum via a heightened level of volatility in the financial markets. History suggests September is the worst month of the year in terms of stock-market performance. The S&P 500 has generated an average monthly decline of 1.2% and finished higher only 44.3% of the time dating back to 1928, according to Dow Jones Market Data. [Source:]

Not yet convinced about this? Investopedia shared this information in 2022:- Why People Say September Is the Worst Month for Investing [Source:]

The Yahoo Finance website recently posted this story: Should You Make Any Changes to Your Portfolio With October Right Around the Corner? Stock market investors have enjoyed a successful 2024 thus far, with the S&P 500 returning 18.42% year-to-date (YTD) as of Aug 31. That’s nearly double the long-term average annual return of 10%. And with the Fed slated to begin cutting interest rates in September for the first time since 2020, the market has good reason to be rallying. But markets never go up in a straight line, and with the arrival of a traditionally weak market season, a pullback wouldn’t be too surprising. So, should you make any changes to your portfolio with October right around the corner? Given the time of year that we are now in, many traders and investors will be more diligent in watching their open positions, and having their exit strategy ready. And there are others who might resist opening new positions. And some others might even sell-down their holdings as a risk management method. Whatever we do, it is prudent to always have an implement and tested exit strategy ready, and to implement it at a moments notice – whenever the exit condition is flagged. And all of this can change from month to month, and year to year, depending on a number of factors. [Source:]

US Presidential election

In 2024 the US Presidential election (Tuesday 5 November) might be significant. Given that the success of one candidate over the other might influence financial markets, there is still the overarching view of the Presidential Cycle which might dominate the market.

When averaged over a number of years, the US stock market shows returns throughout the 4-year US Presidential Term as indicated in the adjacent chart (Acknowledgements: Harry Dent jr “The Great Depression Ahead”, and Ned Davis Research, ).

The 4-year US Presidential Cycle
(ack: Harry Dent, and
We can see that leading up to the first 12 months of the presidential term there is generally a rise in the market in anticipation of a good outcome and possible positive changes once a new president is elected.  The second years tends to be flat as election promises fail to meet expectations.  The mid-term election brings on more optimism for the 3rd year, before further disappointment late in the 3rd year and the start of the 4th year.  In the fourth year there is often hope and anticipation of some good things happening once the next US President is decided on.

October (and September) can be bad

Some people believe the month of October is rather jinxed, because a number of major market crashes have happened in October.

There was the so-called “Panic of 1907” when the US market crashed in the month of October in 1907. Then the infamous Wall Street Crash of 1929 took place in October of that year. And the Market Crash of ‘87 (Black Monday) took place in October 1987, including the Australian market falling on Monday 20 October, and a fall of more than 42 per cent over the month (see the adjacent chart).

Share market crash - 1987

But September can also be ‘bad’. It was in September 2008, during the infamous GFC, that Lehman Brothers (in the US) filed for bankruptcy and triggered a further lack of confidence in the US markets and elsewhere, and more market selling which continued for a few more months (see the adjacent chart).

The GFC 2008 and Lehman Brothers


So, as we head into the months of September and October, perhaps we should be a little more careful about our market positions, and we shouldn’t be surprised if there are some ructions in the markets. [This is NOT advice of any sort – it’s just information for education.]

More information

In the September 2024 Melbourne chapter hybrid meeting (Thursday 12th) Alan Clement delivered his quarterly analysis of the markets, and included a lot of information about seasonality in the markets, due to several factors including: the calendar months, the pending US Presidential election, and the northern hemisphere summer period which has just finished. (The video recording of this presentation will be up in the ATAA Reference Library shortly.)

Join the discussion
I have started a new discussion topic in the ATAA Discussion Forum. Feel free to view the posts that are there already, and add your own views.
Author: Robert B Brain
(c) Copyright, Brainy, September 2024

ATAA Member Perks and Benefits
If you're not an ATAA member, and you are considering joining, you might be interested to know there are many good reasons to sign-up, including:
  • Invaluable education opportunities (with discounts for members);
  • Huge and extensive Resource Library (access for members);
  • Networking opportunities - meet with like-minded peers for trading and investing discussions;
  • Special Interest Groups (SIGs) (only for members) - there are several;
  • News and information;
  • Online Forums;
  • Annual ATAA Conference (discounted for members).

As I said at the top, my apologies continue for any odd formatting that you might find herein - font size or line spacing, etc - but these seem to be oddities in our CE email editor which are very elusive.
I do hope you have found this edition of the Blast! Monthly News interesting and useful. it took me longer than expected to compile this edition, but then there is a lot more news and information than normal. If not, or if you have any feedback, please feel free to email me directly.
Robert B. Brain
Blast! Newsletter Editor