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Date: 5/10/2024
Subject: ATAA: Blast! Monthly Newsletter - May 2024
From: ATAA Blast editor

ATAA Blast! Newsletter – May 2024 #168

Dear ~~first_name~~

Welcome to the third edition of the ATAA Blast! Newsletter in 2024. I normally aim to publish the Blast! News in the first week of the month and contributions are very welcome from any ATAA member - especially from the Chapters, or the SIGs, or the network groups. In this edition of the ATAA Blast! newsletter you will see (with links for an easy and speedy goto to the relevant section below):

  • ATAA National President's Update for May.
  • ATAA website detailed update - With lots of information about the immensely useful and growing Resource Library, including the now hundreds of video session recordings from the SIGs and network groups.
  • The hundreds of "old" technical ATAA Journals that some longer-term members might remember, are now available in the website Resource Library.
  • Online Discussion Forums - This resource is now growing in popularity in the ATAA website (for ATAA members only - login is required).
  • New Online Store - A place on the website to purchase invaluable recordings and study courses.
  • ATAA National Board Update - The latest news from the national board of directors.
  • List of ATAA Chapters, SIGs and Network Groups - more opportunities for the ATAA members.
  • The ATAA Conference Working Group - update and results from the recent survey.
  • Updates from the ATAA Chapters and SIGs: Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, and SIGs (or at least from those that have submitted content).
  • IFTA Update: Latest information from IFTA.
  • TECHNICAL ANALYSIS article - An article on the usefulness of the 50 day MA.
  • Detailed benefits for ATAA members.

Included toward the bottom of this month's Blast! News is a technical article discussin the usefulness, or otherwise, or the 50 day Moving Average. And the ATAA Member Benefits section at the very bottom.

As the national Marketing Director, I am including key marketing phrases in this Blast!, including the ATAA Tag line in blue below, and the ATAA Elevator Pitch also in blue at the bottom of this email.

We do hope you find this Blast! newsletter useful and interesting reading; but do feel free to tell us what you really think, and how we can improve it.

Robert B Brain

Blast! Newsletter Editor
ATAA Marketing Director
(and ATAA Life Member)

The ATAA is the knowledge network
for successfully using technical analysis
in financial market trading and investing

National President's Update – May 2024

The highlight of April for me was the visit to the Adelaide and Perth Chapters in mid-April. The purpose of the visits was both to observe how these Chapter Meetings work and to get feedback from members on ways to improve the experience of all ATAA members. As the Adelaide and Perth Chapter meetings were held on consecutive days, I could go to the Adelaide meeting and then continue onto Perth for their meeting the day after.

I found both meetings to be conducted in a vibrant atmosphere, with excellent participation by the members attending. The first part of the meetings was very interactive, which is conducive to member participation.

I received a lot of feedback from members about ways to improve the ATAA, and these will be followed up. One of the key messages was that the networking aspect and interaction between the members was a key part of ATAA meetings.

A smaller promotional event was held in April, in conjunction with MetaStock, to spread the word about the ATAA. This resulted in a number of trial ATAA memberships.

Two of our existing directors, Lance Douglass and Gordon Macey (both from the Newcastle Chapter) resigned from the board in April, due to lack of time to devote to the task of being ATAA board members. As there are board vacancies for casual positions on the board, I would encourage members that wish to contribute to the running of the ATAA to put their name forward to be considered for a board position.

I would like to reiterate that the ATAA is a volunteer organisation, which works best when members that have skills in certain areas volunteer their time and effort to improve the ATAA, either in an official position (board or Chapter Council member) or simply helping out with certain tasks. If any member has the ability to contribute, please let me know.

Jim Haralambidis

ATAA National President

Since implementing the ATAA new website at more than a year ago, it has taken a while and a lot of work to bring the content up to date. After a lot of effort, it is now mostly complete. There are now upwards of 900 presentations and documents. As I mentioned here last month, you can view "presentations by date", or search the library.

Hundreds of videos - We can now report the following are available (for ATAA members only - a key feature of ATAA membership):
  • Every video presentation and slide document back to 2015.
  • Annual conference presentations, workshops, seminars and articles back to 2008.
  • Selected higher quality chapter presentations and slides from 2008 to 2014.
  • Older ATAA Journals and IFTA newsletters - Our longer term ATAA members will probably remember the huge colleciton of invaluable ATAA Journals that were published from 1990 to 2007 - a total of 100 professional documents. The edition of June 1990 talks about "The coming of age of technical analysis in Australia", as well as the birth of the "Australian Technical Analysts Association - A View to the Future", and the inaugural ATAA meeting event on Thursday April 26th 1990. This old Journal is well worth reading.
All of these items can be found from the ATAA website menu: Resources > Resource Library Folders, then expand the folder hierarchy: Member Resource Library > ATAA Publications. A subject index is included in a spreadsheet at the top of the Journals list. Note that due to the large volume of material, the system response can sometimes be a little slow.
ATAA website journals listing
Online Store - The ATAA website now includes an Online Store with a growing list of items available for sale. This includes:
  • ATAA 2023 National Conference Recordings for those who could not make it (for just $120 for one day of the conference prcoeedings, or $288 for all days).
  • The ATAA Home Study Course, based on the syllabus of the IFTA CFTe qualification.
  • The ATAA Introductory Technical Analysis Course - a comprehensive home study program.
  • A free "First Step Guide to Technical Analysis" PDF booklet.
See the ATAA website menu: ATAA Online Store for more details.
Conference proceedings - There is also a growing list of ATAA conference proceedings in previous years (back to 2008). Again, under the menu item: Resources > Resource Library Folders > Member Resource Library > Conferences & Workshops.

Blast! newsletter Archive - In case you've missed something in recent Blast! newsletters, we are now making the last few available in the Archive. Use the website menu option: Resources > Blast! Newsletters.

The ATAA board of directors - So that you can put a name to a face, there are "mug shots" for all eight of our ATAA directors on the website. Use the menu option: ATAA Overview > Current Office Bearers > View Members.
ATAA Online Discussion Forums - The ATAA website includes a growing list of online discussion forums on a range of T.A. and trading topics. The link to access the forum (in the website menu) is enabled after you login to the ATAA website (see the screenshot below). The most active forums currently include: Bigalow Network, and the MEL Quant Trader SIG.
ATAA website menu - FORUM

ATAA National Board updates

ATAA Marketing Working Group Update
The Marketing Working Group (WG) is working on a number of initiatives, which we will be able to share with you soon. One of the things that the whole board is about to do is to have a special meeting and to look at the two questions:
  • What do we need to do to retain and members, and encourage them to renew their membership when it falls due?
  • What do we need to do to attract new members into the ATAA?
Then we will be preparing a marketing strategy aimed it retaining members, and also at recruiting new members. If you have some thoughts along these lines, we will welcome your input into the discussions.
"Visitors - First time free" - Also, at the last board meeting last week the board agreed that all first-time visitors to Chapter meetings be permitted to attend for free. We jsut have to update the website processes to accommodate this. More details about this very soon.
Robert B Brain
 ATAA Marketing Director

ATAA Conference Working Group Update

National Conference and Multi-Speaker Webinar Feedback

Thank you to everyone who responded to the conference and events feedback survey we recently ran. In total we had 76 responses. Here is a summary of the feedback received.

Strong Support for Events:
  • Majority of respondents favour both national conferences (60%) and online webinars (61%).
  • Annual events are preferred (36%) over less frequent options.
National Conference Preferences:
  • Spring is the most popular season, but flexibility exists.
  • 2-day events are favoured over 3-day formats.
  • Melbourne is the most popular location, followed by Sydney.
Factors Influencing Attendance:
  • Speaker expertise and relevant topics are the top priorities.
  • Balance between venue quality and cost is important.
  • Travel costs matter, but less than conference fees.
Financial Considerations:
  • Most respondents would prefer a Conference fee of up to $1000.
  • Attendees are open to cost-effective venue and accommodation options.
Webinar Preferences:
  • Single-day webinars are preferred.
  • Attending from home or office is the most popular option.
  • Topics like strategy development, charting tools, and risk management generate high interest.
  • Attendees value practical and educational content with high-quality speakers.
  • Cost is a consideration, but valuable content justifies investment.
  • Flexibility in location and duration is desired, prioritizing compelling speakers and topics.
Unlock Your Profit Potential: A Full-Day Trading & Investing Masterclass Webinar
The National Board has approved a proposal for us to hold a one-day online multi-speaker webinar later this year. This will likely take place in September or October, on a date to be advised (likely a Saturday). The aim is to have a roster of interesting and high-calibre speakers and topics for you to enjoy, and we will have special low pricing for all current members of the ATAA wishing to attend. Keep your eye on your inbox, and our website and socials for more information as it becomes available.
Thank you from your Conference Working Group.

Alan Clement
ATAA (Conference) Director

CHAPTER and Special Interest Group (SIG) news and updates

ATAA Chapters, SIGs and Network groups
For the benefit of ATAA members everywhere, the ATAA has a number of: Chapters, and Special Interest Groups, and Network Groups. Members are free and welcome to participate in any of these. We are hopeful that all of these groups will submit some information for publication in the Blast! News from time to time, to help everyone understand more about the opportunities and benefits for ATAA members. If you don't see information in the Blast, then check the ATAA website for details.
ATAA Chapters (alpha order) meeting monthly
  • Adelaide
  • Brisbane
  • Canberra
  • Melbourne
  • Newcastle
  • Perth
  • Sydney
SIGs and Networks (and contact names)
  • Melbourne Quant SIG (Jim Haralambidis)
  • RealTest Coders Workshop (Chris Meakin, Robert Grigg)
  • Bigalow Network (Romy Baker)
  • Forex Network - FN (Romy Baker)
  • FX SIG (Mike Smith)
  • MetaStock Users SIG
  • TA Practice SIG
See the ATAA website for latest information.

SIG and Network presentations in the Document Library - There is a growing collection of session recordings and other materials in a section of the ATAA website Resource Library. The latest one (from the Forex Network) can be found by following the menu (as shown in the screenshot below): Resources > Resource Library Folders, then expand the tree hierarchy under the Document Library heading: Member Resource Library > Presentations by Group.
Presentations by Group - Session recordings can be found for these ATAA groups can be found in the website (for members):
  • Bigalow Network
  • Forex Network
  • FX SIG
  • Holy Grail Trader SIG
  • MetaStock User Group SIG
  • MEL Quant Traders SIG
  • Technical Analysis Chat SIG.
ATAA website Document Library by Group

RealTest Coders Workshop
(MEL Quant Traders SIG)

Still meeting online, generally on the second Monday of each month at 8:00 pm. EST (to give members in western states a better chance of attending.) More information is available.

Chris Meakin and Robert Grigg
SIG Coordinators

ATAA Forex Network (FN)

Hello ATAA Forex Traders.
The Forex Network (FN) had its inaugural meeting on 8 May. Stay tuned for an update. Also see the ATAA website online forum for discussions and more information.

As announced last month, the ATAA national board has approved that the Forex Traders Network can be established, which will greatly increase member value for the ATAA Forex traders. The purpose of the Forex Network (FN) is to establish an informal meeting for members to meet online to learn and improve their trading expertise.  “Traders helping Traders”.

Meetings can follow these points and any other issues people want to cover:
  • improve our understanding of the Forex environment with other traders;
  • share our experiences;
  • share information;
  • review charts;
  • talk about our trade setups and results; and
  • informally network to support each other.
The FN network will operate under the auspices of the Sydney Chapter, and is open to all ATAA members. The FN will respect the rules and governance as laid down by the ATAA Constitution and rules. The ATAA disclaimer will be shown at the beginning of each meeting.
I would love to hear from you if you are interested so, please send me an email, or phone me.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Romy  Baker
ATAA Sydney Chapter
0414 554 967

Canberra Chapter News

The Canberra Chapter held an in-person only meeting in April at Eastlake FC. Following an idea from members of the committee in 2023, the main presentation consisted of four 15-minute member presentations of ‘This is how I trade’. The brief was to provide recent trades and show the TA and thinking behind each trade together with the result.

The four member presentations were:
  1. Chris Meakin presenting on System Development to Chart to Trading.
  2. Adrian Schoo presenting on his system of finding trades to Chart to trade.
  3. Frances presenting a Put Option she placed on CBA.
  4. Gabriel Spacca presenting a Forex trade.
The four presentations were illustrative of the range of approaches available to traders and of the broadness of approaches of our local members. The meeting format also allowed for detailed questions about the execution of each trade.

Post meeting discussion at dinner afterwards suggested great value and some new ideas not covered by speakers on the circuit, were derived from the presentations. ATAA members have a wealth of experience at the trading ‘coalface’ and this is one format for Chapters to provide member involvement and professional development.

Alan Clement is presenting at our May meeting at Eastlake FC on May 21. This will be a hybrid meeting commencing at 6.00pm with the ASX Review, Share Competition and an update on the All-Weather portfolio. Alan’s presentation will be streamed at 6.45pm.

Good health and good trading,

Mark Gleeson
ATAA Canberra Chapter President

Melbourne Chapter News

The Melbourne Chapter always meets in-person on the second Thursday of each month, and the latest meeting was just last night (Thursday 9th May).  And it was great to see some familiar faces returning to our face-to-face meetings, and even a visitor from the Perth ATAA chapter.
Last night's informal networking between 5pm and 6pm included finger food as usual (this time: delicious crumbed prawn sticks, and gourmet sausage rolls). Our 2-hour broadcast meeting (6-8pm) was a great session with guest speakers George Chondros and Bisher Khudeira from Stormrake explaining the ins and outs of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. During the session they fielded many questions about Bitcoin, and the role of brokers and crypto exchanges. At the end of the session they explained how Stormrake can assist ATAA members to get started in cryptocurrency investing if that is what they want to do (NB: this is not a recommendation to participate).
We had a total of 15 people in the room for the networking and presentations, and 19 people online. The recording from the session will be uploaded to the ATAA website in due course.
Don’t forget that public transport (tram) runs past the hotel front door, and there is ample car parking around the corner.

Robert Brain
ATAA Melb Chapter President and interim Secretary
(for the Council team: Paul Ash, Jim Haralambidis, Keith Mundy, Tony Hambling, Tony Leonard, Robert Grigg).

Adelaide Chapter News

Still meeting monthly. See the ATAA website for latest details. (Normally third Wednesdsay of the month? With about 14 people at the 17th April meeting.)

Sydney Chapter News

April Chapter meeting report - The Sydney Chapter meeting held on 15 April was a great success with Mary McNamara presenting her regular analysis of the domestic and overseas markets which was followed by Angela Osmond presenting “Is trading gambling”.  In her presentation Angela shared her trading journey including  the challenges that she has experienced and showed many charts that demonstrated that trading for her is no longer gambling and demonstrated that her trading plan has given her the knowledge and confidence to trade profitably. The in-depth presentation was greatly appreciated by all of us.

The Chapter bi-monthly dinner was held on 22 April which was great networking and discussion in an informal F2F restaurant environment which was a lovely change from viewing everyone via technology.

The Bigalow network enjoyed its monthly meeting focusing on applying Steve Bigalow's methodology to a range of charts. Members of the group shared their results for the rest of us to critique and learn from. See the ATAA Online Forum for relevant discussions.

The Forex network was having its inaugural meeting on 8 May.

Sydney Chapter Council

Perth Chapter News

Still meeting monthly. See the ATAA website for latest details. (Normally third Thursday of the month? With about 14 people at the 18th April meeting.)

Other Chapters
Don't forget, we have a total of seven chapters around Australia, including: Brisbane and Newcastle. You can see a list of the seven chapters and their office-bearers on the website - use the menu option: ATAA Overview > Current Office-Bearers > Chapter Councillors > Subcommittees. See the ATAA website for latest meeting and event details.

IFTA Update
IFTA Knowledge is Power
Join our next IFTA webinar: MACD-v: Volatility Normalised Momentum - A Twice Awarded Indicator

Presenter: Alex. Date: Friday, 10 May Time: 3:30am (in Melb, Sydney, Canberra)

ABOUT THE PRESENTATION - In 2015, Alex created a new and novel momentum indicator that would solve the shortcomings of range-bound oscillators (RSI, Stochastics, etc.) and unbound indicators (MACD, RoC, etc.) by creating a new hybrid momentum indicator that overcomes these shortcomings while retaining its advantages. Read more at
[If you have missed this webinar, you can view past webinars at]
IFTA - Call for Articles and Society News for the IFTA Update June 2024 issue - The next submission deadline for the June 2024 issue of the IFTA Update is as follows: 
  • Education articles: 15 May Send submissions to
  • Society News: 15 May Send submissions to
Note: Submission deadlines are strictly adhered to. Thank you!

IFTA and ATAA members - ATAA members are automatically affiliate members of the International Federation of Technical Analysts. ATAA membership gives you access to IFTA resources including: certification programs, educational events and networking opportunities, including participation in the IFTA Conferences. The information below is the latest update from IFTA.
IFTA has announced that the 2024 IFTA Annual Conference will be in Hainan, China,  4-6 October 2024, with the IFTA AGM and Board Meeting one day earlier - 3 October. For more details see the IFTA website.

IFTA Journal 24 (a professional journal published by IFTA) - We are pleased to announce that the 2024 IFTA Journal is now available for viewing and download from the IFTA website. (Note that it is a 79 pages PDF, and 16MB in size).

IFTA Update (quarterly newsletter) - The IFTA Update is a quarterly newsletter that is available to members of the ATAA. The latest issue was announced in the March Blast - see that Blast News for details.
See the IFTA Update newsletter here (a 29 page, 10MB PDF file).

Join the ATAA to improve your understanding of how to
invest or trade successfully in the financial markets
focusing on the correct use and application of Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis - Weinstein chart

Technical Analysis - Two Moving Averages are Trading Triggers - Aren't they?
Firstly, let me say that the following material might apply to any financial markets, including equities markets as well as foreign exchange markets, and commodity markets. And it might apply to various time periods. This article refers to the 50 day MA on a daily chart, but by all means also try the equivalent on other time frames – so read it as “50 bar Moving Average”.

Moving Averages (MA) can be very useful on a share market price chart for a variety of reasons. Some people use an MA on a weekly price chart a la Weinstein. Some people use a pair of MAs and look for the two to cross each other (Moving Average Cross-Over). Without realising it, many people use the MACD indicator which is built from MAs. And some people use a Multiple Moving Average (MMA) chart indicator such as the Guppy MMA, or the Hull MMA.

It’s been reported that many traders, including algorithmic trading systems, use a crossing of just one specific MA as a trading set-up, or a buy/sell trigger. Does this really happen much? Does it happen in the Australian markets or just in the US? Is this useful for our ATAA members?

Some of the simple conditions for trade setups / strategies include:
  • A Moving Average turns up (or it turns down).
  • The price crosses (and closes) above (or below) an MA.
  • Two specific MAs cross each other (Moving Average Cross-over).
Some of the variables that somewhat complicate all of this include:
  • Which type of MA to use – Simple, Exponential, Weighted, etc.?
  • What time period should be used for the Moving Average? Note that many charting software tools use 14 bars as the standard, or default, value.
  • Should we be looking at daily price charts, or weekly? (Assuming that we are not doing intraday trading where we might use hourly charts or even shorter time frames).
Weinstein’s weekly Moving Average – Many people are familiar with the ideas that Stan Weinstein put forward in his very popular book in 1988 “Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets”. This is based on a weekly price chart, and using a 30 week Moving Average, and observes whether the price is above or below the MA, and whether the Moving Average is rising or falling. Weinstein advises observations on the chart to guide when to be in, or out of, the market.

In the sample weekly chart of the XAO index at the end of the GFC below, note the index bottomed in March 2009 (with a Tower Bottom candle pattern), then rallied for a few weeks then crossed above the 30 week SMA indicator, then a few weeks later the MA turned up. The indicator ribbon across the bottom is the Weinstein Stage Analysis.
Stan Weinstein
Moving Average Cross-overs – A number of the experts who have presented to ATAA chapter meetings over the years have declared that a trading strategy based on a pair of moving averages and noting where these cross each other, is not successful nor profitable. However, there are some traders who have used it to trade successfully. Perhaps the biggest questions to ask are whether to use daily or weekly charts, and what are the characteristics of the two MA curves (ie. time period, and MA type)?

In the sample weekly chart of the XAO index below, note there are two Moving Averages: 7 week and 12 week. Also, when COVID hit in February 2020, the index plunged and crossed below the two MAs  while the two MAs crossed and fell. [There is no guarantee that this is a successful approach – it’s just a sample to illustrate the idea].
Moving Average Cross-Over sample
MMA observations – Regardless of which Multiple Moving Average (MMA) you use, there are several observations about the moving averages which can help to identify the health and strength of any trend, and can assist with trading signals.

In the sample daily chart of the All Ords (XAO) index below, note the crossing of the blue averages across the reds.  [Refer to published material for further explanations of how to interpret the MMA indicators.]

The infamous 50-day (and also 200 day) Moving Average – Over the years I have often read about, and heard about, traders using the 50 day MA (and the 200 day MA) on a daily chart to assist with trading decisions.

I watch the CNBC business channel on Foxtel (ch 620), and especially the last half hour of the NYSE market trading before the market close, and the following half hour. During our winter hours in Australia, this is around 6am Melb/Sydney time. The commentators there often talk about the 50 day, and the 200 day, Moving Average. And they talk about these two MAs as offering a support level or a resistance level, to the market. And they suggest that if a security hits the MA, and crosses it, then many algorithmic systems will be triggered to participate in the market.

I have studied many charts of securities and the indexes on the ASX, and I have struggled to find any confirmation of such activity. So I wonder if this really does exist on the Australian market.

In the sample daily chart below of CBA bank, the green line is the 50 day EMA, and the red line is the 200 day EMA. Of course, this is just a portion of the total price data available, but when I have looked along the time frame for this stock and others, I have observed that when the share price crosses the 50day EMA, there is often a taller candle body and there is often higher volume – but not always. I have struggled to find anything convincing.


50-day MA Strategies – In my research on this topic I came across several relevant websites, one of which is this one which includes some strategy discussion and ideas:

QUESTION: Do you have any observations or experience with the 50-day MA, or any other MA, that can show it is as useful as it seems to be in the US? I have started a conversation on the ATAA website Online Discussion Forum – under the heading “Trading Strategies and Systems" (see it here). Feel free to post comments there in the forum. [ATAA members need to login to the website in order to see the Forum menu item].

Author: Robert B Brain
(c) Copyright, Brainy, May 2024

ATAA Member Perks and Benefits
If you're not an ATAA member, and you are considering joining, you might be interested to know there are many good reasons to sign-up, including:
  • Invaluable education opportunities (with discounts for members);
  • Huge and extensive Resource Library (access for members);
  • Networking opportunities - meet with like-minded peers for trading and investing discussions;
  • Special Interest Groups (SIGs) (only for members) - there are several;
  • News and information;
  • Online Forums;
  • Annual ATAA Conference (discounted for members).

I do hope you have found this edition of the Blast! Monthly News interesting and useful. it took me longer than expected to compile this edition, but then there is a lot more news and information than normal. If not, or if you have any feedback, please feel free to email me directly.
Robert B. Brain
Blast! Newsletter Editor