Adelaide Chapter Monthly In-Person Meeting - Wed 18 Sep 2024 at 7.00pm (ACST)
5:30 pm: Pre-meeting Dinner - Tavern 540, 540 Port Road, Allenby Gardens
All members and visitors are welcome to join us for dinner. No booking required. This is an opportunity to network with fellow traders.
7:00 - 7.05 pm Welcome and Intro
7:05 - 7:30 pm Jurij Bondaruk - Share picking competition
7:30 - 9:50 pm Alan Hull - Two presentations
“The Stockmarket from every angle“.
Alan will take a look at the Stockmarket from every angle, using all of his weekly newsletters. Alan’s trading & investing strategies include investing for growth & income, short term trading systems and hedging income stocks with inverse ETFs. And with conflicting fundamentals, such as a developing AI boom in the U.S. pitted against further interest rate rises in Australia, technical analysis is critical.
"The Lizard Brain Talk - Psychology"
We might be living in a modern world but our lives are largely governed by our impulsive and fearful reptilian brain which resides in our limbic system, along with all our other emotions. This part of our brain loves to make our investing and trading decisions...but that’s a job best done by our thinking brain, the neo cortex. In this somewhat confronting presentation, Alan is going to show you just how powerful your lizard brain is and the tricks you can use to master it.
Alan Hull is one of Australia's leading Stockmarket experts He is an internationally published author, presenter and creator of the Hull Moving Average which is available in nearly every charting program throughout the world.
Alan is highly respected within the Australian investment industry, writing articles and presenting for the ASX, the Australian Technical Analysts Association and the Australian Shareholders Association. Alan is also a best selling author of Invest My Way, Active Investing, Trade My Way, Charting in a Nutshell, Active Retirement and Blue Chip Investing.
Coffee break somewhere in the middle
9:50 pm Meeting close